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Global equity product. The objective of this subfund is long-term (at least 3 years) growth in the assets’ value per unit, higher than for the MSCI ACWI NTR index. This subfund, the Company, or any other third party, however, does not guarantee the achievement of the above mentioned goal.
The risk level of investing in the subfund is high.
The aim of the subfund's investment policy is to gain exposure to the global equity market. The subfund invests primarily in Equity Instruments, mainly listed on markets other than the WSE. The rest of the subfund's assets that will not be placed in Equity Instruments will be invested in Debt Instruments, as well as in other financial instruments as defined in the statute. The subfund may hedge investments in financial instruments denominated in foreign currencies against exchange rate risk.
The share of equities amounts to at least 66% of the subfund's assets.
The subfund may be used to achieve high rates of return during good market conditions, or as a component of a diversified investment fund portfolio customised to the Investor’s investment profile.
The Subfund is a product referred to in Art. 8 SFDR (Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council of 27 November 2019 on sustainability‐related disclosures in the financial services sector), promoting environmental and social aspects.
For the calculation of the performance fee, the subfund uses the model with reference to the MSCI ACWI NTR index benchmark, which is consistent with the actual investment policy of the Subfund. This means that the performance fee may be charged only in the event of achieving a relatively higher rate of return than the benchmark, ultimately in a 5-year reference period. In addition, the relative losses previously incurred in the reference period must be recovered before the performance fee is charged. The performance fee is 20%. The performance fee may only be charged once per calendar year, also in the case of a nominal loss after breaking the benchmark.
The Subfund Global Growth (QUERCUS Global Growth) hereinafter referred as the subfund described in this document is the subfund of the QUERCUS Parasolowy SFIO umbrella fund. Information concerning QUERCUS Parasolowy SFIO and its subfunds, including detailed descriptions of investment policy, risk factors, are provided in the Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document available at the Quercus TFI S.A. office and at its website: Neither Quercus TFI S.A. nor QUERCUS Parasolowy SFIO shall guarantee the achievement of expected investment targets or the gaining of specified investment results described in this document. Clients of QUERCUS Parasolowy SFIO should consider the capital venture risks of some invested financial sources. The net asset value of the subfund, may fluctuate considerably owing to the fact of investing the assets of the subfund in shares and derivative instruments. QUERCUS Parasolowy SFIO can invest over 35% of the asset value in securities which are issued or guaranteed by the Polish State Treasury or the National Bank of Poland. Presented investment performance is calculated for the A class of the subfund’s participation units for the given period of time. Neither Capital Gains Tax nor fees related to purchasing the subfund’s units have been included in the above mentioned results. Indicated rates of return should be treated as a historical data only and shall not guarantee similar results in the future. Individual rate of return depends on the date of purchasing and selling subfund’s units, given fees and Capital Gains Tax. Presented investment performance was achieved directly after Subfund’s launch. During that period structure of investment portfolio was adjusted to meet the law and subfund’s statute requirements. The value of the subfund’s units and fee schedule is available at This material is a promotional only and is neither intedded as an offer nor recommendation to buy or sell any financial instrument. Data and information above provided should not be treated as an investment advice or any other type of advice especially, legal advice. It is necessary to read the Prospectus and Key Investor Information Document before purchasing the subfund’s units. Quercus TFI S.A. has a business license issued by the Polish Financial Supervision Authority (Komisja Nadzoru Finansowego), which is the supervisory authority for Quercus TFI S.A. This document has been written in Polish and English language versions, in two identical copies. In event of any discrepancies, the Polish version shall prevail.
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